Access Bars Class

Petrina Fava


Access Consciousness®

Have you been asking for change in some area of your life?   What if the magic is right in your own hands?

My brother introduced me to the tools of Access Consciousness almost 6 years ago. I had just had a miscarriage and had been trying to get pregnant again for more than nine months. He talked to me about the idea of asking questions to receive awareness rather than looking for answers. I wasn't sure I knew what he meant. 

I kept asking questions about getting pregnant and waiting for an answer. I clearly remember saying to him "I'm so mad at my body for doing this, I feel so betrayed by it." To which he gently replied "Can you and your body create a life together from an energy of anger and betrayal?" Right there, I knew I had to do and be something different. We had a really good conversation about what I was projecting onto my body. I started to just ask questions and be kind to my body...and the following month, I was pregnant. He taught me my very first BARS class and I had my BARS run for the first time while I was 6 months pregnant with my son. I used some of the tools I learned during his birth, and the sense of ease I had with it all was really beautiful.
I've been playing with the tools of Access and creating my life in all kinds of unexpected ways since then. The Access tools have allowed me to create a business that I never would have imagined, I've used them to have more ease with parenting my 3 amazing kids, and I am having so much fun discovering new awarenesses with my body in the most magical and delicious way possible. 

I absolutely love facilitating BARS and Body Classes! It's fun to watch others choose more for themselves and beyond that, each class contributes to me enormously! I receive so much from the people who show up at my classes and I am so grateful for each and every one of them!

What change are you asking for? What would you like to create as your life and living? 
What if it's easier than you think?

BARS Sessions

BARS Classes
BODY Process SessionsBody Process Classes
SOP SessionsRight Body for You Intros
Abuse Hold SessionsFacilitation


...and What Else Is Possible? Looking forward to playing with you!

Access Bars Classes®
There are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. We call all of the points you touch when using this modality “The Bars.”

​They store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything.

 Sunday September 20

 9:30am - 5:30pm

217 Queensplate Drive
Etobicoke Ontario

Access® Energetic Facelift Class

The Access Facelift is a hands on energetic process that creates changes in the appearance of the face and body. Many people have reported unexpected changes in their bodies and in their lives after this class. 
It's a very gentle, yet potent process. Along with it comes some coaching around getting rid of all your limiting points of view about aging, skin, bodies, disease, etc.. 
Participating in this class allows you to exchange this process with others (join us at one of our many gifting and receiving events!) AND it also certifies you as a practitioner. This means you can offer this process to clients! It's a great addition to any other healing modality you may be offering! 
At this class, you will: 
Gift and Receive an Energetic Facelift Session 
Receive Coaching and Facilitation around any limitations pertaining to your body, skin, aging or absolutely anything else that comes up!

​Friday February 19, 2015

​9:30am- 1:30pm

217 Queensplate Drive

Etobicoke Ontario

Access Body Processes
​Designed to open up a dialogue and create a communion with your body that allows you to enjoy your body instead of fighting against it and abusing it. When you start to change the way you relate to your body, you start to change how you relate to everything in your life. 

​These processes unlock the tension, resistance, and dis-ease of the body by shifting energy dynamically.​Body Process Sessions can lead to: Generating a sense of space and peace with your body Relaxation and stress relief Healing chronic pain Shifting dis-ease Please read the following article from the Access Consciousness website for more specific information on the body processes. 

What to expect:
You will be laying on a massage table. These processes can be run on top of your clothing or skin on skin per the client’s preference. Some processes call for the facilitator’s hands to be placed on specific spots on the body, while others are done by following the energy all over the body or where the complaint is. 

Each hand placement will be held for a while to allow the energy to turn on and run. These processes do not involve stroking or massage movements. 

Receiving this type of body work is very restful, stress relieving and nurturing for the body. Most people enjoy a deep sense of space and peace.

Access Symphony Sessions 
The Symphony Sessions are about energetic empowerment and change.  They can invite you open up to LIVING in a completely different way.  Every person has a unique capacity with receiving and gifting energies.  A session allows you to start to truly access what is true for you and your body — beyond everything that you bought as real in this reality. 

Prior to beginning the session you are asked if you could receive one thing from the session what would it be?  This then becomes the space from which the session starts to play!  

What comes up as the session progresses is totally unique to every individual and often way beyond what you would have ever expected. 
Individuals that receive these sessions have experienced deep release from their bodies and emotional limitations.  Some find themselves in a place of happiness and clarity where they were previously depressed and confused.  Others have found their bodies healing dynamically after one session.  Some have even found themselves trembling in ecstasy. 

Sessions can even be highly effective and supremely pleasant ways to release stress and tension. Everywhere you have shut your self off or down – begins to open up with each Session you receive.  Places you weren’t even aware that you were hiding from you start to become play themselves up to the surface of your being. With each session you start to realize how beautiful, magnificent and amazing you are.  Have you realized how truly beautiful and magnificent you are?  How could your body change if you did?  Have you realized how truly beautiful and magnificent you are?  How could your body change if you did?  

Access Facilitation

Access Facelifts

Energy Changes for you & your body!